Brand Overview
History of the Brand: Zino, originally known as Davidoff, was founded by Zino Davidoff in 1930. The brand has since become synonymous with luxury and quality in the cigar world, known for its meticulous craftsmanship and exclusive blends.
Founding Year: 1930
Overall Reputation in the Cigar Industry: Zino Davidoff is celebrated for setting high standards in the Cigar industry. The Brand‘s reputation is built on its commitment to quality, innovation, and the personal touch of Zino Davidoff himself. It has received numerous accolades for its cigars, which are often seen as the epitome of luxury smoking experiences.
Tobacco Facilities:
- Dominican Republic
- Honduras
- Nicaragua
Zino Overview
Zino Cigars are crafted to reflect the legacy of Zino Davidoff, focusing on a blend of tradition and innovation. The brand stands out for its unique approach to blending tobaccos from different regions, creating a distinctive taste profile that honors the founder’s vision of a global cigar experience.
Quotes by the Creator: “A cigar is a living thing, it must be treated with respect.” – Zino Davidoff
Important Sub-Brands:
- Zino Platinum
- Zino Classic
Zino Attributes
Concept & Inspiration: Zino cigars are inspired by Zino Davidoff’s travels and his philosophy of blending the best tobaccos from around the world. The brand aims to provide a sophisticated smoking experience that transcends cultural boundaries, embodying elegance and a worldly perspective.
General Characteristics: Smooth, complex, aromatic, well-balanced, luxurious.
Notable Zino Ratings
- Zino Platinum Crown, 92, Cigar Aficionado
- Zino Classic No. 6, 90, Cigar Journal
Summary: Zino cigars are consistently rated highly for their quality, flavor complexity, and the luxurious smoking experience they offer, making them a favorite among discerning cigar enthusiasts.
Tobacco Details
Wrapper: Ecuadorian Connecticut or Maduro
Binder: Dominican Republic
Filler: A blend from Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, and Peru
Aging Process and Notes: Zino cigars undergo a meticulous aging process, often for several years, which enhances the flavor profile, ensuring a smooth, rich smoke with notes of cedar, spice, and a hint of sweetness.
Strength Estimate: Medium to Full
Production and Quality
Manufacturing: Hand-rolled in the Dominican Republic, with each cigar crafted by skilled torcedores.
Quality Checks: Each cigar undergoes multiple quality checks, from the selection of leaves to the final product, ensuring consistency and excellence in every stick.
Unique Packaging
Zino cigars come in elegant, often wooden boxes with a distinctive Zino logo, reflecting the brand’s commitment to luxury and presentation.
Who Will Appreciate Zino?
Target Audience: Zino cigars appeal to those who appreciate luxury, fine craftsmanship, and a sophisticated smoking experience. They are ideal for business professionals, cigar connoisseurs, and those looking for a special occasion cigar.
Pricing Strategy: Zino positions itself in the premium segment, with prices reflecting the high-quality materials, craftsmanship, and the brand’s heritage.
Type of Smoker: These cigars are best suited for experienced smokers who can appreciate the nuances of a well-crafted cigar.
- Single Malt Scotch
- Full-bodied Red Wines like Cabernet Sauvignon
- Dark Chocolate
- Espresso
Zino cigars offer a luxurious smoking experience with their complex flavors, elegant presentation, and the rich heritage of Zino Davidoff. They are perfect for those moments when only the best will do, providing a memorable experience that pairs well with fine spirits and gourmet foods. The brand’s commitment to quality and tradition makes it a standout choice for any cigar aficionado.
Q: Where can I buy Zino cigars?
A: You can purchase Zino cigars at Hiland’s Cigars, known for their excellent customer service, fast shipping, and competitive prices.
Q: Are Zino cigars suitable for beginners?
A: While Zino cigars are crafted with complexity in mind, some of their milder blends might be approachable for Beginners looking to explore premium cigars.
Q: How should I store Zino cigars?
A: Store Zino cigars in a humidor at 65-70% humidity to preserve their quality and flavor. Hiland’s Cigars offers a selection of humidors perfect for this purpose.
Q: What makes Zino cigars unique?
A: Zino cigars are unique due to their global blend approach, combining tobaccos from various regions to create a distinctive taste profile, reflecting Zino Davidoff’s vision of a worldly cigar experience.
Q: Can I find Zino cigars at a discount?
A: Yes, Hiland’s Cigars often has promotions and discounts on Zino cigars, making luxury more accessible.