The Arturo Fuente Royal Salute Natural Cigar is a mild to medium-bodied masterpiece. Brought to life in the esteemed Dominican Republic, this 7.6-inch, double corona-sized smoke is packed in a distinctive cedar sleeve, adding a complimentary note to its already rich and creamy profile. As soon as you light up this golden-brown beauty, you’ll experience easy-going, creamy notes of wood, grass and nuts, culminating in a straw-and-hay quality and a floral, papery finish.
Highlights of the Arturo Fuente Royal Salute Natural Cigar
This cigar is unique not only for its medium-body flavour and size but also for its packaging. Each cigar is ensconced in a cedar sleeve, enhancing the smoking experience with an added hint of woodiness. This feature alone sets it apart from many other cigars in the market.
About Arturo Fuente Cigars
Arturo Fuente is a famous cigar brand renowned for its impeccable craftsmanship and consistent quality. Born from a dream in 1912, Arturo Fuente Cigars has since been delivering excellent smokes that have received various awards and accolades. Cigar Aficionado consistently rates Arturo Fuente Royal Salute in the 90s and it has numerous top 25 yearly mentions to its name.
The Arturo Fuente Royal Salute Natural Cigar, apart from its admirable score and ranking, has been spoken highly of in the media and various cigar connoisseur circles. It is a much-admired gem in the Arturo Fuente collection.
Experience the charm of the Arturo Fuente Royal Salute Natural Cigar today. Hiland’s Cigars offers this cigar at discounted prices every day, so you don’t have to wait for a special occasion to enjoy one. Our quick shipping and 5-star customer service ensure your pleasure right from the moment you place your order. Don’t miss out on this offering from the reputable Arturo Fuente collection. Place your order today!
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