The Cain Daytona 543 No. 4 is a uniquely flavorful cigar from the celebrated Oliva brand. Originating from Nicaragua, this 5×43 cigar sports a robust Corona shape, packaged in a stylish box that reflects its top-notch quality. The use of straight Jalapa Valley Ligero tobaccos gifts this cigar its incredibly flavorful character that distinguishes it from the usual Cain lineup. Designed for the discerning smoker, it offers a medium-full strength blend perfect for those leisurely evenings or celebratory occasions. Broadcasting a harmonious balance of woody flavors complemented by notes of walnut and candied undertones, it’s a blend that’s hard to resist. Moreover, you will appreciate the complex character of this cigar even more when paired with a bold coffee or a rich, aged whiskey.
Highlights of the Cain Daytona 543 No. 4
The delight of this cigar is attributed to its straight Jalapa Valley Ligero tobaccos, bringing forth a magnificently flavorful experience. Rolled in an oily, tawny-colored wrapper, it guarantees an even and smooth smoke that elevates its walnut and woody notes. It further tops this with some candied nuances to add a subtle touch of sweetness to balance the strength of this medium-full blend.
About Oliva Cigars:
Oliva Cigars highlight the illustrious history and tradition of cigar-making. Known worldwide for their quality, every Oliva cigar boasts meticulous attention to detail and a penchant for perfection. Their artistic craftsmanship reflected in the aesthetic and flavor profiles of their cigars, testify to their second-to-none reputation. Their recognition isn’t just spoken in words, as demonstrated by their receipt of an 89-point rating by Cigar Aficionado for this very cigar, exemplifying their commitment to the craft.
The Cain Daytona 543 No. 4, aside from standing out in the Cain line, is referenced for its combination of medium strength with incredible flavor. The Oliva brand’s dedication to crafting quality cigars keeps them relevant in books and publications, sealing their place in the annals of cigar history.
Experience the differentiating medium-full strength blend of the Cain Daytona 543 No. 4 for yourself, and be entranced by its flavorful cigar experience that only Oliva can deliver. Available at Hiland’s Cigars at discounted prices every day, your order is promptly shipped with exceptional 5-star customer service. Savor the exquisite notes of this cigar that’s not just another addition, but a highlight to your collection.
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