Voltix Lighters

Oliva Serie G Maduro Torpedo (6.5×52 / Box of 24)

SKU: Oliva_Serie_G_Maduro_Torpedo24

Original price was: $125.98.Current price is: $89.98.


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The Oliva Serie G Maduro Torpedo is a world-renowned Nicaraguan cigar that brings a whole new dimension to the ‘Maduro’ style. A beautiful Torpedo, 6.5 inches by 52 ring gauge is encased in a remarkable African Cameroon wrapper. At its core, you’ll find an exceptional blend of Nicaraguan filler that make for a medium-strength smoke. Known for its warming cedar undertones with harmonic coffee notes and a subtle nuttiness, we wouldn’t be surprised if you choose to pair this with your evening coffee or a delightful dark rum.

Highlights of the Oliva Serie G Maduro Torpedo
This cigar embodies excellence through its Maduro African Cameroon wrapper, Nicaraguan filler, and complex taste profile. The Oliva Serie G Maduro Torpedo gained recognition among the cigar aficionado community for this, receiving an outstanding 89-point rating from Cigar Aficionado for its exquisite quality and taste.

About Oliva Cigars:
From the heart of cigar making, Nicaragua, Oliva Cigars is acclaimed for its craftsmanship and outstanding blends of tobacco. Oliva’s reputation in the tobacco business stems from more than a century, a testament to the brand’s commitment to quality that is felt with every cigar. The Oliva Serie G Maduro is another feather in their cap, highlighting their ability to create stunning cigars that offer a delightful smoking experience.

Owing to its quality and delightful taste profile, Oliva Serie G Maduro Torpedo has captured the respect of many cigar enthusiasts and has carved its name in the annals of popular cigar publications and review sites. Its 89-point rating by Cigar Aficionado serves as proof of its esteemed status in the cigar world.

The Oliva Serie G Maduro Torpedo is a perfect choice for seasoned smokers and a great introduction for those willing to explore the world of Maduro cigars. Over at Hiland’s Cigars, we are proud to carry Oliva Serie G Maduro Torpedo in our collection. Enjoy this fine cigar at our everyday discounted prices. Your order will be shipped quickly, and you’ll be able to enjoy the 5-star customer service that Hiland’s Cigars is known for.

Cigar Brand
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