The Flor De Oliva Original Bundle Robusto is an impressive offering steeped in tradition and excellence from the esteemed Oliva family. Originating from Nicaragua, this medium-full strength cigar leverages the unique characteristics of its all-Nicaraguan filler and binder. With a length of 5 inches and a ring gauge of 50, this robusto shapes up as an ideal companion for those moments of relaxation and reflection. Be it a casual evening social or a personal retreat, this cigar effortlessly elevates the experience. For the seasoned aficionado, you might want to pair it with a full-bodied red wine or aged rum to truly bask in its essence.
Highlights of Flor De Oliva Original Bundle Robusto
Every Flor De Oliva Original Bundle Robusto is a testament to Oliva’s devotion to quality. Each cigar is handmade with 100% Nicaraguan filler and binder, all aged to perfection. The unique blend lends the cigar an interesting profile, characterized by hints of spicy sweetness, earthy undertones and woodsy notes. Bound together in a bundle packaging, these cigars offer immense value to the discerning smoker. And let’s not forget, these are all first quality cigars, not factory rejects or “seconds”.
About Oliva Cigars:
The Oliva family has been a mainstay in the tobacco industry for decades. With a reputation for unrivaled quality and consistency, Oliva cigars have become fixtures in the humidors of enthusiasts across the globe. The Flor De Oliva series is a shining example of the brand’s commitment to provide top-notch cigars, even at an accessible price tag. And their efforts haven’t gone unnoticed – the Flor De Oliva has been hailed as one of America’s bestselling bundles.
With its appearances in numerous publications, the Flor De Oliva Original Bundle Robusto has more than once been the topic of vibrant discussions amongst the cigar-smoking community. These excellent cigars come highly recommended by industry experts and have received accolades for their craftsmanship and taste.
Experience the bold and exquisite flavors of the Flor De Oliva Original Bundle Robusto now. With Hiland’s Cigars, you enjoy these top-tier cigars at discount prices every single day! Not only do we offer quick shipping on orders, but we also uphold a 5-star customer service standard for all our patrons. Explore your passion for cigars, with the commitment and confidence that comes from shopping at Hiland’s Cigars.
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