The Nub Maduro 460 is an exceptional cigar created by a dynamic duo of innovation and flavor. Originating from Nicaragua, this cigar packs an intense punch on account of its bizarre but delightful size of 4×60, complimented impeccably with a Maduro wrapper. The stout shape assigns a distinct identity to the cigar, elevating its status within the realm of seasoned smokers. The flavor notes it blends vary between dark chocolate, sweet spice, and caramel, making it a phenomenal pairing with a glass of aged bourbon or a deep, roasted coffee. With distinct notes radiating from the wrapper, binder, and filler, the Nub Maduro 460 indeed makes a statement of refined sophistication.
Highlights of the Nub Maduro 460
The crown jewel of this cigar is undeniably its Maduro wrapper, gifted from the fertile soils of Nicaragua. This, combined with the distinctive binder and filler, enhances the Nub Maduro 460’s taste profile, allowing it to deliver a robust series of flavors from dark chocolate to caramel. Unique not only in flavor but size too, the short stout stature of this cigar is a proprietary trait that instantly grabs attention and ramps up the smoking experience to new highs.
About Oliva Cigars:
As a prestigious brand in the cigar industry, Oliva has constantly pushed boundaries of innovation to deliver nothing but the finest cigars. Known for their quality and premium blend of tobaccos, Oliva has bagged numerous accolades, including the favorable 89-point rating for the Nub Maduro 460 from Cigar Aficionado, a testament to their unwavering commitment towards perfection.
With its unique size and profile, the Nub Maduro 460 has a bold presence in the cigar world, offering an offbeat charm that’s guaranteed to fire up conversations amongst keen aficionados. A robust blend of Nicaraguan tobaccos wrapped in a striking Maduro wrapper makes this cigar a delightful treat that truly stands out.
Made by talented blenders in Oliva’s Nicaraguan factories, the Nub Maduro 460 is an excellent example of creativity and flavor meeting to create a cigar par excellence. Explore Hiland’s Cigars today to enjoy this masterpiece at discounted prices. With striking ratings, impressive customer service, and a wide variety of cigars available, Hiland’s is the perfect destination for all your cigar needs. Experience quick shipping and 5-star service as you indulge in the best cigars from around the globe.
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