The Nub Habano 460 provides the aficionado with enchanting flavors, neatly packed in a short yet stout cigar. Hailing from the renowned Oliva brand in Nicaragua, this Gordo shaped cigar measures at 4 inches long with a ring gauge of 60. Encased in a Habano Sun Grown wrapper, it boasts a blend of quality fillers, thereby ensuring a medium-full strength smoke.
Highlights of the Nub Habano 460
This particular smoke is encased in a sun-grown Habano wrapper, skillfully rolled around an exquisite blend of Nicaraguan filler tobaccos. The binder, sourced from the same region, adds to its unique profile. The strength of the cigar adds a twist to your smoking experience, giving you a satisfyingly robust flavor.
About Oliva Cigars
Known for being a pioneer of premium cigars, Oliva’s reputation has been built through a dedication to the art and science of cigar making. Produced in Nicaragua, they’re known for consistently delivering hand-made cigars of the highest quality. This dedication to the craft has earned them countless accolades, such as the 87 point rating for the Nub Habano 460 from Cigar Aficionado.
Historically, the Oliva brand has been a significant part of Nicaragua’s tobacco heritage, marking its presence through the years and creating a ripple in the cigar industry.
The Nub Habano 460 is the epitome of a well-made cigar, offering an eclectic mix of flavors combined with a unique smoking experience. It stands as a testament to the artistry and tradition of the cigar makers at Oliva. Indulge in one of these magnificently crafted cigars at Hiland’s Cigars. Remember, we offer discounted prices on cigars every day, top-notch five-star customer service, and quick shipping on all orders.
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