The Nub Habano 460 is a uniquely compact yet full-bodied cigar, a product of Oliva, one of the most reputable cigar brands hailing from Nicaragua. As a medium-full strength cigar, it captures the senses with a rich complexity of flavors. This 4×60 Gordo shape cigar features a stunningly unique sun-grown Habano wrapper that encases a premium blend of Nicaraguan filler and binder. Whether you’re contemplating a quiet evening at home or hosting a night with the pals, this cigar will be your ultimate companion.
Highlights of the Nub Habano 460: The Nub 460 offers a twist to the typical cigar vitola. Its compact shape and size are a feast to the senses and is designed to give you an immediate and pleasing smoke right off the bat. Wrapped in a sun-grown Habano leaf and filled with the finest Nicaraguan tobaccos, this cigar stands out for its rich and vibrant flavor profile, with delectable notes of cocoa and roasted nuts, along with slight undertones of cinnamon and red pepper spice.
About Oliva Cigars:
Oliva Cigars, based in Nicaragua, is a renowned brand that takes pride in crafting a diverse range of high-quality, hand-rolled cigars. With its focus on serving cigar enthusiasts and an unwavering commitment to quality, the brand has consistently evolved over the years and stood the test of time, making it a celebrated name amongst cigar connoisseurs.
This cigar’s short and stout construction was placed under the spotlight when Cigar Aficionado, a leading publication in the cigar world, attributed an 87 point rating to Nub Habano 460, acknowledging its exceptional smoking experience.
Savor the delightful flavors of the Nub Habano 460 as a 5 pack from Hiland’s Cigars. Not only do we offer discount prices on Cigars every day, we are appreciated by our customers for quick shipping and unparalleled 5-star customer service. Enrich your smoking moments with the uniquely crafted, internationally acknowledged Nub Habano 460. Discover the genuine pleasure of smoking a well-made cigar courtesy of Hiland’s Cigars.
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