The Oliva Serie G Robusto is a mid-sized marvel featuring meticulously crafted dimensions of 4.5×50. This cigar originates from the fertile soils of Nicaragua, boasting a bouquet of premium blends assured to satisfy discerning palates. The wrapper bears an exquisitely aged African Cameroon, enveloping a medium-strength core to deliver an unrivaled experience. This cigar is presented in a box brimming with 25 sticks, each promising a delightful session with intense flavors and uninterrupted burning. Any liquor pairing, especially with a malt whiskey, enhances the enjoyment of this cigar.
Highlights of the Oliva Serie G Robusto: The remarkable aspects of this cigar lie in the expert blending of its components. The aged African Cameroon wrapper commends a rich earthy fragrance, complementing well with the Nicaraguan binder and filler’s deep undertones. The subtle medium-strength interior renders it an appealing choice for aficionado and amateur alike.
About Oliva Cigars:
Oliva Cigars is synonymous with passion for quality. The brand has etched its name as one of the biggest tobacco cultivators in the world, blending tradition with innovation to create premium cigars. Its journey began in 1886, inspired by Melanio Oliva’s love for tobacco farming. The brand’s commitment is recognized internationally with numerous prestigious awards, showcasing mastery in crafting exquisite cigars.
Boasting an 85-point rating by Cigar Aficianado, the Oliva Serie G Robusto is lauded for its complexities in flavor with warm cedar, coffee hints and a subtle nuttiness as the Master Blender notes. Its rich layers of flavor and superior quality embodies the very spirit of Oliva’s thriving brand reputation.
Experience the harmonious blend of flavors in the Oliva Serie G Robusto, available at amazing discount prices every day at Hiland’s Cigars. We guarantee fast shipping on all orders, backed by our exceptional 5-star customer service. Get your box of this exceptional cigar today from Hiland’s Cigars, your trusted source for premium cigars.
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