The Oliva Serie G Maduro Special G exemplifies craftsmanship and taste. Originating from Nicaragua, this mid-sized cigar measures 3.75″ in length with a 48-ring gauge. The distinct blend of fillers enclosed within a Maduro African Cameroon wrapper offers a memorable smoke. With its Figurado shape and firm construction, the cigar is a delight for connoisseurs who appreciate intense flavors for their palate. A glass of medium-bodied red wine or single malt whiskey could pair splendidly with this cigar.
Highlights of the Oliva Serie G Maduro Special G: The Maduro African Cameroon wrapper, a signature of Oliva, introduces a distinct boldness and depth to this cigar. Crafted from a unique recipe of fillers, this combination lends itself to complex flavor profiles, a full-bodied smoking experience and an bold finish.
About Oliva Series Cigars:
Bringing decades of dedication to their craft, Oliva Cigars offer impeccable quality in their range of cigars. With stringent quality control measures and a commitment towards sourcing the finest ingredients, the brand is appreciated globally for its consistent performance. The Oliva Serie G Maduro Special G proudly carries on the brand’s tradition with its 86-point rating from Cigar Aficionado.
Often spotlighted in popular culture, the Oliva brand made a notable appearance in the celebrated cigar book, “The Ultimate Cigar Book” by Richard Carleton. Recognition extends beyond these mentions, with accolades like Cigar Aficionado’s 86-point rating testament to the brand and the cigar’s quality and taste.
The Oliva Serie G Maduro Special G is a superb choice for discerning cigar aficionados, offering a fine balance between strength and flavor. Hiland’s Cigars maintains a wide collection of Oliva Serie cigars, offering discounted prices every day to cater to every cigar enthusiast’s preference. As always, we ensure quick shipping and 5-star customer service, because your satisfaction is our top priority. Discover the taste of quality with Hiland’s Cigars and the Oliva Serie G Maduro Special G.
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