The Ashton VSG Sampler boasts a variety of well-crafted cigars from the renowned Ashton portfolio. Each sampler set includes one each of the Sorcerer, Torpedo, Corona Gorda, Robusto, and Belicoso No. 1. Wrapped in Ecuadorian Sun-Grown leaves, and filled with sweet Dominican tobacco, these cigars offer a high-end smoking experience. You can pair these perfectly with a premium bourbon or a smooth coffee. The Ashton VSG Sampler has been created with care and precision to ensure each cigar delivers a satisfying smoke, every single time.
Highlights of the Ashton VSG Sampler
The highlight of these cigars lies in their robust structure and exceptional blend. Encased in a rich, flavorful Ecuadorian Sun-Grown wrapper, these cigars stand out for their harmonized blend of Dominican fillers that offer a balanced mix of earthiness and sweetness. The meticulously crafted Ashton VSG cigars demonstrate an unparalleled construction, ensuring a perfect draw and even burn.
About Ashton Cigars:
Ashton Cigars, an acclaimed brand in the cigar world, has a rich history of creating superior quality cigars. Carrying the legacy of their love for tobacco, Ashton is a reflection of excellence and commitment to offer the best. With numerous awards under their belt, the brand reinforces its enduring commitment to quality with each winning blend.
The Ashton brand was mentioned in the 2010 issue of Cigar Aficionado, praising its top-notch quality and consistency. Moreover, their Ashton VSG line has been awarded high ratings by both Cigar Aficionado and Cigar Insider for their intense flavor profile and flawless construction.
The Ashton VSG Sampler is indeed a must-have for both novices and connoisseurs in the cigar realm. With an array of top notch blends, it promises a remarkable smoking experience. Remember, at Hiland’s Cigars, we offer discount prices on cigars every day. Hilands’ quick shipping on orders and 5-star customer service ensure your cigars arrive in premium condition, ready for you to enjoy. So, don’t wait! Light up an Ashton VSG and savor the fine craftsmanship behind each puff.
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