The Oliva Serie G Churchill is a true delight to medium-bodied cigar enthusiasts. This masterfully constructed cigar features a magnificent African Cameroon wrapper gloriously enveloping a special blend of Nicaraguan Habano long-fillers. Its Churchill size, 7 inches in length with a 50 ring gauge, provides ample time to enjoy the complexity of flavors this cigar offers. Recommendations for pairing this cigar often lean towards a rich coffee or a robust bourbon to complement its unique flavors. This well-rounded cigar is sold in a box of 25 making it an ideal choice for gatherings of fellow aficionados or an everyday pleasure.
Highlights of the Oliva Serie G Churchill
This cigar utilizes premium Nicaraguan Habano long-fillers paired with an striking African Cameroon wrapper, a signature of the Serie G line. The seasoned craftsmanship, evident in the impeccable construction and even burn, positions this cigar a notch above the rest. Oliva’s commitment to quality is reflected noticeably in each draw, offering a consistently smooth and flavorful experience.
About Oliva Cigars
Oliva Cigars, based in Nicaragua, is a reputable brand lauded for its dedication to the cultivation of quality tobacco and the meticulous construction of its cigars. A family-run enterprise, the brand’s rich history of cigar making is rooted in a passion for excellence.
The Oliva Serie G Churchill finds mention in the coveted Cigar Aficionado, having garnered a 91 point rating for its delectable blend of flavors. The brand’s merit is not just limited to critical acclaim but also finds resonance among connoisseurs and casual smokers alike.
If you’re looking for a medium-bodied cigar that delivers a consistently excellent smoking experience, the Oliva Serie G Churchill is a solid choice. You’re invited to savor the nuanced blend of flavors this cigar has to offer at Hiland’s Cigars. Remember, we offer discount prices on cigars every day and provide quick shipping on all orders. Experience top-notch 5-star customer service only at Hiland’s Cigars.
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