The Oliva Serie V Double Robusto Tubo is an exquisite blend of sensational flavors that strikes the perfect balance between complexity and smoothness. This cigar boasts a medium to full-bodied profile packed with a fusion of bold, robust flavors, making it an excellent choice for any cigar enthusiast. With a length of 5 and a ring gauge of 54, these Nicaraguan beauties are meticulously handcrafted and are conveniently packaged in aluminum tubes for ideal portability.
Highlights of the Oliva Serie V Double Robusto Tubo
This cigar features an impressive blend of Nicaraguan Jalapa Valley Ligero long filler and binder, encased in a high-quality, sun-grown Habano wrapper. The outcome of this remarkable combination is a rich, full-flavored smoke with a hint of spicy complexity. Presented in attractive aluminum tubes, they blend functionality with elegance, making these cigars a great option for on-the-go cigar connoisseurs.
About Oliva Cigars
Oliva Cigars, a reputable name in the cigar industry, is known for their unrivaled craftsmanship and commitment towards using only the highest quality tobaccos in their cigar production. The brand’s impeccable quality assurance and unique blending practices have earned them various accolades across the globe, including a prestigious 91-point rating from Cigar Aficionado for the Oliva Serie V Double Robusto.
The Oliva Serie V Double Robusto holds a prestigious acclaim in the world of cigars, with a notable mention in the renowned Cigar Aficionado publication, where it earned an impressive rating of 91.
The Oliva Serie V Double Robusto Tubo is more than just a cigar; it’s a testament to the meticulous craftsmanship and rich tradition of Oliva Cigars. Whether you’re a seasoned cigar enthusiast or looking to explore new flavors, Hiland’s Cigars offers these exceptional cigars at unbeatable prices. Enjoy quick shipping with every order and take advantage of our outstanding 5-star customer service. Indulge in the rich, full-bodied experience of Oliva Serie V Double Robusto today.
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