The Acid Drew Estate 14 Cigar Sampler Tin offers a unique treasure trove of assorted premium cigars ideal for different moods and occasions. Hailing from the esteemed Drew Estate, these gems provide an unparalleled smoking experience, characterized by their immaculately constructed sizes and shapes along with an array of perfectly aged and expertly blended tobaccos. A delectable must-have for every avid smoker, the limited edition metallic collector’s tin portrays the spirit of uniqueness that Acid cigars are known for.
Highlights of the Acid Drew Estate 14 Cigar Sampler Tin
An array of 10 different cigars, each with its own exclusive blend and size ranging from the small and robust ACID Blondie to the large and flavorful ACID Extra Ordinary Larry. The tobacco used in these cigars are expertly aged and masterfully infused with oils and botanicals, a proprietary technique that gives the ACID line its distinct character.
About Drew Estate Cigars:
Drew Estate is renowned for its commitment to quality, authenticity, and sheer creative prowess. With a history that is as vibrant as their cigars, Drew Estate entered the industry with an unconventional twist and has consistently defied the odds to create outstanding cigars. Their passion for excellence is evident in their numerous awards, such as the Large Company of the Year awarded by Cigar Coop in 2020 and 2022.
Acid cigars are famous in pop culture and have been featured in many films and publications due to their unmatched flavor and aroma. The brand boasts a rich history and has won several awards for its innovative and unique blends.
Explore the intriguing assortment of Drew Estate’s Acid 14 cigar sampler. Hiland’s Cigars offers these captivating cigars at discounted prices every day. Experience quick shipping with every order and excellent 5-star customer service. Step into the world of Acid’s exciting and diverse flavors when you add these magnificent cigars to your collection. Take advantage of the opportunity to experience the variety that the Acid Drew Estate 14 Cigar Sampler Tin offers today.
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